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Online Courses

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$49.00 | 2 HBLB CE Hours
This course, Business Organizations, and the HBLB Law have been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (2) two hours of continuing education credit.

The various forms of business entities or organizations in Alabama and their appropriate licensing. Samples of HBLB application forms and attachments will be utilized during the discussion. Violations of the HBLB governing statute and regulations based on improper... Details
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$69.00 | 3 HBLB CE Hours
This course, Alabama Contracts & Law, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (3) three hours of continuing education credit.

This class meets the Alabama Specific Requirement.

This course is a comprehensive overview of Alabama specific home building contracts and law. Topics include contract basics, HBAA contracts, change orders, the closing, risk of loss, warranties and... Details
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$39.00 | 2 Hours HBLB CE
This continuing education offering of the Alabama Energy code by the HBAA is an in-depth view from the inception of the code, the approach to achieving goals mandated by the Department of Energy, the process and adoption of hurdles, and finally the latest version and revisions to the 2015 code.

This class meets the Alabama Specific Requirement.

At the completion of the course, participants should come away with a deeper... Details
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$39.00 | 2 HBLB CE Hours
This course is an in-depth look into the building science of moisture issues in residential structures from diagnostics to remediation. Moisture Basics reviews the recommendations of ASHRAE 62.2 as well as the challenges faced by reduced air infiltration rates mandated by the energy code. Common sense discussions on existing and older homes, and the impact of changes in occupancy, changes in construction standards over time, and the effect of moisture... Details
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$39.00 | 1 HBLB CE Hour
This course, Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board Statutes & Regulations, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (1) one hour of continuing education credit.

This course is an overview of the responsibilities of a licensee pursuant to HBLB statutes and administrative rules. How to successfully fulfill these responsibilities and common errors in fulfilling these responsibilities will be presented and... Details
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$39.00 | 1 HBLB CE Hour
This course is for educational purposes only and does not represent actual legal advice. In no way is this information meant to inform contractors about any direct or indirect situation. All examples are hypothetical. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY FOR FURTHER QUESTIONS.

This class meets the Alabama Specific Requirement.

This course, Alabama Home Builder Warranties, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure ... Details
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$69.00 | 4 HBLB CE Hours
This course, Basic Project Management, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (4) four hours of continuing education credit.

Residential construction project management is a unique construction setting. There are three main genres of project manager and each one has unique benefits and struggles. Each stage of the construction process must be considered while managing a project. This four-hour course... Details
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$19.00 | 1 HBLB CE Hour CE
This course, Business Basics for Builders, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (1) one hour of continuing education credit.

This course gives an overview on the essential business practices every builder should use to run a successful business. The course covers a wide range of topics including: contracts, change orders, accounting, insurance, customer service, and warranties.
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This CE bundle includes all 6 continuing education credit hours required by the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board, including at least two hours of Alabama specific training. In this bundle you will get the following:

Basic Project Management (4 HBLB CE Hours)
Alabama Energy Code II: Moisture Basics (2 HBLB CE Hours) - ALABAMA SPECIFIC

Both courses have been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for a total of 6 CE credit... Details
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This CE bundle includes all 6 continuing education credit hours required by the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board, including at least two hours of Alabama specific training. In this bundle you will get the following:

Alabama Contracts & Law (3 HBLB CE Hours)
Marketing for Building Contractors (3 HBLB CE Hours)

Both courses have been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for a total of 6 CE credit hours.
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This CE bundle includes all 6 continuing education credit hours required by the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board, including at least two hours of Alabama specific training. In this bundle you will get the following:

Alabama Home Builder Licensure Board Statutes & Regulations (1 HBLB CE Hour)
Alabama Home Builder Warranties (1 HBLB CE Hour)
Site Preparation (1 HBLB CE Hour)
Foundations & Framing (1 HBLB CE Hour)
Simple Numbers Profitability... Details
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This CE bundle includes all 6 continuing education credit hours required by the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board, including at least two hours of Alabama specific training. In this bundle you will get the following:

HBAA Safety Essentials (1 HBLB CE Hour)-ALABAMA SPECIFIC
Alabama Business Organizations and the HBLB Law (2 HBLB CE Hours)-ALABAMA SPECIFIC
Simple Numbers Profitability Playbook for... Details
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This CE bundle includes all 6 continuing education credit hours required by the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board, including at least two hours of Alabama specific training. In this bundle you will get the following:

Financial Responsibilities for Alabama Builders (1 HBLB CE Hour)-ALABAMA SPECIFIC
Business Basics for Builders (1 HBLB CE Hour)
HBAA Safety Essentials (1 HBLB CE Hour)-ALABAMA SPECIFIC
Marketing for Building Contractors (3 HBLB CE... Details
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$49.00 | 1 HBLB CE Hour
This course, Financial Responsibilities for Alabama Builders, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (1) one hour of continuing education credit.

This class meets the Alabama Specific Requirement.

This course will provide an overview of financial responsibilities of builders/business owners. Topics to be covered will include financial considerations of a business plan, varying types of legal... Details
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$19.00 | 1 Hour HBLB CE
This course, Foundations & Framing, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (1) one hour of continuing education credit.

This course gives an overview on the types of foundations and the fundamentals of framing. The foundation portion covers typical and not-so-typical foundation types and the pros and cons of each. It also covers how to properly prepare and install for unconditioned and vented crawlspaces... Details
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$29.00 | 1 Hour HBLB CE
The Roofers Safety program educates students on the regulatory safety requirements of residential roofing. It also details personal protective equipment, material handling, and unique safety solutions available today to the roofing trade.

This course, HBAA Roofers Safety, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (1) one hour of continuing education credit.
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DISCOUNTED TO $79.00 | 6 Continuing Education Credit Hours
Safety 6 educates participants on common residential and light commercial job site hazards.

The content provides a concise and easy-to-follow description of the safety rules governing most construction job sites. It offers practical injury prevention measures, including resources for developing an effective safety and health program plus information on products that can make the job site safer and more... Details
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$29.00 | 1 HBLB CE Hour
This course, HBAA Safety Essentials, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (1) one hour of continuing education credit.

This class meets the Alabama Specific Requirement.

This Job site Safety program provides an in-depth compliance introduction to modern construction site safety. The content provides a concise and easy to follow description of the safety rules governing most residential... Details
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$59.00 | 3 HBLB CE Hours
This course, Marketing for Building Contractors, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (3) three hours of continuing education credit.

Marketing is an essential part of running a successful business. This course will show students how to put together a customized, cost-effective marketing program that will work year after year. Even those building contractors who have already been in business for years... Details
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Fee: $20.00
This course is required before taking the Duct and Envelope Tightness Certification course.

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$95.00 Fee
4 Hours | Online Video Course | Instructor: Steve Newton
If you are a QCI (Qualified Credentialed Inspector), you are required by ADEM to take a continuing education course each year in order to maintain your certified status. This online class provides information to help you obtain CE credit for Qualified Credentialed Inspectors.
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Fee: $225.00
Online Video Course | Instructor: Tom Cooper

This course will cover topics such as business practices, Alabama Energy Code, building codes and other regulations in compliance with the Alabama Home Licensure Board.

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Fee: $225.00
Online Video Course | Instructor: Tom Cooper

This course will cover topics such as site preparations, foundations, moisture control and other subjects in compliance with the Alabama Home Licensure Board.
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$450.00 Fee
Online Video Course | Instructor: Tom Cooper
This video series covers technical/trade and business/law regulations in compliance with the Alabama Home Licensure Board.
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$49.00 | 2 HBLB CE Hours
This course, Simple Numbers Profitability Playbook for Construction Companies, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (2) two hours of continuing education credit.

Contractors will learn the keys to running a profitable business and how to remain profitable while they grow.
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$19.00 | 1 Hour HBLB CE
This course, Site Preparation, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for (1) one hour of continuing education credit.

The course covers all aspects of site preparation as it relates to constructing a residential home. Topics include site survey, soil classification, easements, site layout, erosion control, cut/fill.